Monday, October 23, 2006

lailailai juniors mich.me.oli
cut cut cut
drama-mama oh. love renee :)

yay! my mum is the oriental charity QUEEN!!


lols.she took part in a sort of... beauty contest. wasted some money on those dresses
well. as long as shes happy. she got third :D
cuz the 1st n 2nd were for the ones who were... rich*
pretty mama pretty daughter

no reasons for uploading those pics.
just feel lyk doing it :)
recently. read my juniors blog and she sounded sad
cause she was saying that the sec 1n2 juniors would be sad when sec 3s leave
its still early... treasure the time spent now :D
so touching
eL. such a happy and warm family. oh n its relly worth it to be a
loyal.cute.enthuastic.lovely.active cca member (shauna's fav quote)
cause my c5 cca grade was upgraded to a a2 :D

7:46 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006

whee~~ bio prac's is over lalala
i m sooo nervous. n i kept calling the CEP.WAIT. is it CEP or CPE?
nvm. so.. i kept calling him over.

i put the wrong onion ring in the wrong solution
asked him over.... STUNNED. cuz i suddenly know what to do
so i said. "hehe. erm. i'm so sorry. i suddenly knew what to do"
and i gave him a sweet sweet smile. lols
he must have hated me

i drew a table instead of a diagram
the headings were in PEN... -.-
argh. i have no more space to draw it.ARGH

so i put a *refer below then drew a long long line and drew it below
lol. so i asked him over again. and told him abt it
he said: i will take note of it
OMGOMG. he must be cursing me. lols

EL production is soooooo nice

its a story abt MACBETH. so many MACBETHs and LADY MACBETHS
really a wonderful nice performance
great job!!! well done!!!
wooHOO~ farhana and derrick my lights n sounds heir. i lyk tat gun shot effect* :D

i lyk jesslyn's grp--sulphuric acid
i lyk yn/eil/ky/mich/oli/doro's grp--wonderful actors.aisha's in love

well. after the show. we went to spizza
with... yn eil 03 doro and mich
then went to vivo city
OO the playground is sooo much nicer wth the water spurting out
had a fun time hopping around getting ourselves wet.
BLEAH. i dont have the pictures now.
post it some other day
OOO i know u miss me :D

lala.lets go sentosa and make lengshan wear BIKINI lalala
2:56 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

its... 2 am now. 9 more hours to my 1st O level paper
pip pop pip pop. heartbeat still not that fast
but i guess i will get veh tensed up tmr. erm. i min. 9 hours later

hm. if only they could give decontextualised stuffs later.
hope its lyk last yr. drawing a prawn
argh... relly afraid that they will come out things that i've learnt
can they lyk.. not ask.. respiration or transpiration.
cuz i really cant guess the questions that can come out for these topics.
argh. really veh worried. mama... save me

i seem to know everything. but i just dont feel safe.
i studied the food tests.and some.. basic knowledge?
well.i m a practical slacker. since sec 1.. so i realli dont know how to do prac
only until. before prelims. then i start to learn how to go abt doing prac stuffs...
and i m de bio prac queen :D
so everyone. get started now. its still not too late. u still haf 9 hours!!
nah i dont think anyone will read my blog at 2a.m
ah.. u might not understand what i am talking abt.. u will only understand if u understand.
see. i told u. u wont understand.
i think i'm mad.

thanks eileen.wonderful junior.for listening to a crazy gal talking to herself

i shall stop tinking abt prac
todays grad day.
all the days that we will sit tgt as a class for lessons haf came to an end
all the funny stuffs tat might happen during class lesson time will not happen again
all the laughter and sad moments are nowhere to be heard or seen
wonder when can we get back tgt. AS A CLASS. AS A WHOLE.
to share.to care.to crap.to love.to chat.to be angry wth each other.to quarell.to fight.to laugh.to play erasers.to be childish.to start rumours.to be worried for our undone homework.to be the queens and kings.

sniffs* i m crying.

hahaha. so touching. but so anticlimax. well this is not supposed to be a funny post.
u are supposed to be TOUCHED.

yes. there will still be grad night. but theres only 7 or 8 going
yes. there will be a chalet/class outing. but will everyone rewlly turn up
yes. there is still O levels. we can still see each other. SO WHAT?!?
an end is an end. n i feel sad. i thought i wont.

4k.. a class that made me felt that it wasn't united.
2 years. i thought i lived in misery.
but i'm wrong

angela.the organic angel.felt tat she was too restricted.but she isn't. ask lengshan**
irin.ice.cold.proud.not true.friendly.true.lovely.BEAUTIFUL.thats what she really is
shauna.famous SHXXX.funny.she loves me.she loves de broom.
suzanna.chess queen.but i won her before :D.ego.sleeping mugger.sleeps in class.mugs at home
wanling.misunderstandings.but all cleared.thanks for ur comb.i regained my confidence
huikiow.sacar at times.but i know u dont mean it.no u dont :)
shanly.quiet.very quiet.maths queen
shermaine. quiet. nv really talked to her that much. but i recieved a letter frm her.i'm touched
eileen.noisy and crazy at times.made teachers love 4k.
june.cool gal.pretty gal.take off ur specs
yiwen.suppliers queen.scotchtape supplier.magazine supplier.
alvin.gossiper.irritating at times.but definitely a lovable guy
jianhao.vulgar.but thats him.he doesnt mean it.
xingkeng.always unbottoning.doesn't trust my cooking skill.hairy stomach.MACHO MAN
jun han.shXXX's man.proud arrogant.thats true.but he does gets abit.. kind at times.
boon siang.cute.wonderful.my love.clever.
boon jun.ungentlemen.but coward.LOL.mighty chairperson
jiajun.always blushing.shy hot bod.
ervin.handsome boy.argh.pineapple hair.most-willing-to-take-pictures-boy
jireh.eileen's man.queit. never give up!
yu xuan. WU NIANG. turn turn turn
shijie.my ex-husband.dont be shy.clever boy.frank.
joesph.suz's man.funny.cute.brave
kenneth.CRAZY.relly dont know what u are thinking.serious.chinese chess king
wilson.i can see you are working hard.you can do it.ur sis look lyk u wearing a wig :P

hope i din miss any1 out..

well.4k 06' journey ends here.but theres will be a continuation.
i thank all of you. i love all of you.
world peace. i m miss congeniality.

omgomgomgomg.bio prac.argh!
i cant slp tonight
2:08 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006

whee~~ open house today.visited AC and NJ
hmm. ac is so dead.
their open house is a failure. complete failureor.. maybe too formal.

well.NJ's open house is nice!!! :D
i played. soccer.hockey.softball and air pistol. biubiubiu
now i'm changing my mind. i will go nj if i can.
if only i CAN.....
well. i play golf kayx :) golf is so useful. helps to play other sports well too lalala
i wish to get to nj...

anyways. SHXXX is so sexy today. wore a.. pmk racer back.. her 1st racer back.
but her bag spoils everything.
nah i dont haf the pictures.
but i shall take a pic of her GREEN sklbag next time.
CLASSIC BAG. same as meng guans.

well. the last day of skl is so fun.
touching speech by mr choy.. cosy bear hugs frm mrs look. cute smiles frm ms lai
we were guessing her chinese name.
pronouce this in chinese. LAI OI YUE.
she insist that its LAI OI YU when you pronouce it
but i feel that it should be. LAI WEI YUE.in chinese.
well. you might not know wad i'm toking. but nvm

i gotta kiss ms khang and mrs look too lolx
i suspect mrs look puts losta foundation
cuz i could taste it
i love mrs look.

well.some.. pictures. pretty pics.funny pics. heartwarming pics :D

i dont care wheather you are sick of me anot. you haf to continue scrolling downwards X)

they are in love

u will only know what is it about if only you know what is it about. X)

i haf decided to post 1 pic every entry. cuz theres relli to much to show u all :
this would save you all frm misery for not being able to see my fotos X)

6:52 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

argh. i fogot to bring my WHOLE FILE home.
all my homework in there.
luckily. theres an angel :D lalala

she flew past and helped me to scan the worksheets and sent them all to me
wheE~~~ i love organic angel

aniways. if you do see a blog..
its a scamweb.
read this. S-C-A-M-W-E-B

this scamweb most probably belongs to SHXXX.
so if this blog do exist.

you will see WIXXX appearing in that blog.

SHXXX's revenge

hm. went to vivocity on... monday
SO BIG. lala.
theres aplayground.many yet-opened shops.and it is abt 1million sq feet WOW~

but it has NOTHING FOR ME TO EAT -.-

pls go watch it. the tickets are sold at only.... $2.
OMG. its so cheap :(

how could it be dis cheap... i suggest you to insist on paying. $10 for 1 ticket
this would make you feel so much better.
or you will feel guilty for paying only $2 for such a WONDERFUL PERFECT show

ALL SEC4s dont you ever use OLEVELS as your excuse you MUST go.
as the saying goes: never hug the buddhas leg at the last minute hahaha
so. dont hug it. its smelly. leave it. and go for el production

eL's production is so perfect. eL's production is so wonderful.
eL's production is going to be VERY WONDERFUL.
eL's production is so cheap that you would want to pay 5 times the original price so that you wont feel guilty.
WINNIE's frm eL. so watch the eL production to be as pretty as her.
watch the eL production so that you can find WINNIE among the audience.
watch the eL production to see winnie acting as part-of-the audience
eL's production is SIMPLY FANTASTIC
eL's production is so cheap that you would want to pay 5 times the original price so that you wont feel guilty. oops. i said that alreadi. this show that its relli worth it.
its lyk paying 1 dollar for a 1 diamond which worths... 3 thousand?
nah. i dunnoe the market
but yah...just go watch it. or you will regret it for life

shXXX is out again. her sexy look :)
no more photoshop work to do. she does it herself wth that shawl

go buy the tickets. now.
or your head will grow as big as mine :)

10:37 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006

yest went to causeway point.
went there to buy... SUXXX prezzie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAL!!!!
i m sure u will lyk our present. trust me. its something you need
to protect your... :)
shnat tell u nani-nani-poo-poo -.-

we had a nice talk.
and we shared abt our UGLY PAST
i can now tell u abt XXXLA's story too

nah. i wont. dont worry.

argh so boring. i dint wan to blog today. but it was shXXX who kept rushing me for an entry
yes. even. now.

my leg hurts... says:
y u nv update ur blog
. http://rowandroll.blogspot.com says:
i needa study.
my leg hurts... says:
im waiting for a new entry

see see see. she wants to see herself in my blog again.
shes so excited. lolx.
o. and we took neoprints.
and i look ugly. and i m angry.

these r so much nicer. look at this. and you it will cure your bad eyesight
no more specs and you will get prettier :D
5:57 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006

SUXXX newcomer :)

she lyks hot bod. yes she does.

pls do not worry. there is no purpose. 100% reliable source
and SUXXX loves to push OHP machines :)

din go to school today. so its a boring day. so... my post is early :)
o. those time below are wrong. cuz. i lazy to set.

argh. i m behind schedule. its only the 1st 2 days and i cant keep up with it.
i might stop blogging. O~ i know u are sad.
well. maybe once a week. or.. when i haf stuffs to share
and for all SHXXX fans. if you cant wait to see her in my blog. and you miss her. read the previous entry to satisfy your need to see her :D

SUXXX i m going to burn your phone.
and i will burn any shop which would sell you a new phone.
i am just trying to protect you.
go on smsing. even in ha-er-bin. and your ears will drop
i will burn your phone :)

5:10 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

such a beautiful backview. she must be a beauty.
SHXXX is getting so popular now.
how could she gain popularity at this popular site.
there were popular demands that shXXX shud reveal her identity. i think its time to do so too. but i will not.cause i promise to name her SHXXX.
we do not share things publicly that are shared wth us privately. its not right--- mrs look taught me so.
but if u still dont know who is SHXXX. u might as well go bang ur head against a big-enuf-durian
note: it must be big enuf. wth consideration for pple wth big heads :D

SHXXX became a witch today :)
riding a broom. WHEE~WHEE~WHEE~ in the school track.
some pretty pics again :D

cute girl. thats her interest. riding a broom around the school track.
and she sings to BIG BIRD
dont you try to peep

well i have pple coming to ask me. WHO IS SHXXX??? she looks pretty.
she wears hot pink panties. she must be hot X)
they got the pretty inference from this picture.
again. its due to popular demands tat i shud post this picture AGAIN.

i shant post the original photo. or those pple might change their inference X)
okay. so pple ask me. is SHXXX still single. do i stand a chance?
the answer is NO and YES. she is no longer single. but u still stand a chance
she has 2 boyfriends now. namely. JXN HAN and.. ERVXX
well.she even confessed on my tagboard. tsk tsk

well. if you qualify the following conditions. U STAND A GREAT CHANCE
congrats.you are qualified to be wth SHXXX!!! :D

here are some reference materials.lalala

alright. i will leave it to u all to decide SHXXX's fate. go ahead and try to match her up wth anyone. lalala. i will start collecting votes. see who wins the.. MOST-COMPATIBLE-WTH SHXXX-AWARD. wow~

SHXXX you are so popular. u won FURONG JIEJIE :D

2:04 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

miami vice. how do u pronounce this word?
pls dont pronounce it as.. MAI-YA-MEE vice.
thats. wrong.
follow what ms lee says. MAMEE vice :)

wohoo~~ today frisbee game. lost 1 won 1
turn turn turn catch.score!
next week's stunt : turn.catch.throw under my leg.frisbee queen catch.score!
-.- so boring
but anyways.veh embarrassing today, cuz desmy intercepted a pass.
n i exclaimed: "OMG. YOU ARE SO TALL!" in a sort-of-sad tone
eh. u wont understand my feelings. unless u r as *tall as me

i am so proud of myself
made a timetable.. hehe.

dont have anything to blog abt.
at thebustop. shauna keeps asking me. what are you going to blog abt today?
seriously. i dont know. even till now. i dont know.
theres no THEME.

when you compare similarity/diff must haf a theme!
when you do purpose. write down the 5 question. WILL you hit the IMPACT? DID i write it on the board? DID i go through at least once? twice?

ok.on my way home. i tried to think what to write.
i might write abt shoes some other time.but today. relly nothing much

O. the haze is terrible.it is as smeelly as bad breath.i suspect its. photochemical smog.
they should stop school
maybe if we were to put up a show together.all 4 levels.
at each level at least... 4 pple faint.cough.vomit. them maybe they will stop school

i m supposed to do rivers today. byebye
9:24 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006

many peopple commented that this blog skin doesn't suit me.
but it really does now :(

i was thinking if i shud rebond my hair again before i enter jc..
because the MAKE-YOUR-HAIR-SO-VERY-STRAIGHT-EVEN-TILL-YOU-DIE pill has yet to be invented by our about-to-be-famous inventor. winnie lee
irin had a brilliant suggestion:
"i tell you what.. shave your hair. then u can try all sorts of hair styles "
yes. what she meant was to put on a wig -.-

one more title for me. WIG queen. X)
history of winnie's title:
1.scissors paper stone queen (try winning winnie to get... a dollar. lose and pay a dollar)

2.EX-chinese queen. (shXXX is the new heir)
3.numbers queen
4.boy shorts queen
5.handmade noodles queen
this page will be updated very often :)

went to ginza today. being the handmade noodles queen. i was the 1st to finish
we played a game.. i shant tell you how it is played. too long
thats. all.

topic of the day: xiaxue no. 2
i m goingto be more famous than xiaxue. lolx.
my strategy---clicking on my page 9000 times a day. and to leave many comments by myself or maybe. pay pple to leave comments :D
i wont haf any vulgarities in my blog. i promise.
this is so.. so that mrs look would agree to turn up for any interviews related to me :)

lemme brag about my... glorious past
i was once a TOP student for e lit went i was in sec 1..
when pretty lady-linda chan taught me elit then
i loved the way she.. teach.mark.does things. maybe its just because shes pretty.

when i got to sec 2. change of teacher.- FAXXX
(SHXXX's friend. together. they are. XXXSHFAXXX wow~)
from then on. last in class. sometimes... 2nd last.

he failed me.

**special corner just for angela.
A leopard never changes it's spots- used only when u are saying that a person... doesnt change. shes a liar. she will always lie. UNDERSTAND??? and not abt the changing of font size.
lesson taught by ms lee. sign up if u want. especially good at the drawing of.. bio prac fruits :D

my voice is so very sexy.
i shall record it n post it here. but i dont know how to :P
yay. i m going to earn money thru this blog n treat all of u to beef ribs.
10:13 PM

these are the different hairstyles that people can try but not me. :(
boohoo~ i haf spongy and curly hair. can anyhelp me?
yes. you can go rebond your hair.
SO WHAT. i doesn't last AT ALL. maybe only... 6 months?
i am going to be inventor.
eat it and your hair will be straight forever WOW~ :D
look at this:

my sister* :D she has NICE HAIR. UNFAIR. lolx.
u may choose not to believe me. but lemme share my story.

NONG NONG AGO... there was a girl named.WINNIE LEE. she is pretty.very pretty. very very pretty X)
she has nice hair. nice straight silky hair. you may even think that she is the model for the shampoo advertisements!! wow!

ONE DAY... she was playing soccer wth her primary skl friends in a open ground.
they were tired. so they sat in a circle and started to chat.
SUDDENLY... it started to drizzle. -.-". they din care. so they continued chatting
SUDDENLY. LIGHTNING STRIKED.. BOMB BOMB BOMB. i dont know how to make that sound. BOMB BOMB BOMB shud do :)

from that day onwards.. WINNIE's hair turned curly.and spongy.
luckily. shes still pretty.very pretty.and.. very very pretty.

such a sad story.did u drop a tear?
i cried till i contracted a disease---flu.
if u dint. you are COLD-BLOODED.

9:38 AM
Sunday, October 01, 2006

they shoud change that man to winnie lee.
argh. flu makes me sleepy all the time.

i slept for.. 19 hours! whaha
frm 6 p.m on fri to 1p.m on sat.
ms lee said before: sleeping will make you grow taller

okay. lets start from friday.
we played.. frisbee
irin said: frisbee is only for dogs
i want to play soccer.. but anyways. sh XXX fell down today
and i saw her hot pink underpanties lolx
she dint want her name to be disclosed.
so im being nice to name her shXXX which was what she suggested
i think evry one can guess its you. but nvm

went shopping wth suz.shXXX.angela. at plaza sing
went to cafe cartel.had losta bread.angela claimed that shXXX got a hot guy

o yah. before we left rv, we did something stupid. or maybe. something embarassing.
a competition. we waved at everyone we dont noe and see who gets the most no. of replies :D
so we went around saying hello to everyone we see.
yes we look stupid.
we were just trying to prove that rv is lyk a big happy family. which could provide us wth WARMTH*.
but out of 7. 7 ignored us.
but anwyays. something to be proud of.. I WON!!!
waved to a girl.i forgot how she looked lyk.

if someone whom i dont know were to wave and say hello to me.. i will jump around that person saying hello 10 times. and spread my flu to that person x)
try me :D

saturday... went to plaza sing again.
went to cafe cartel again. finalli gotta eat their beef ribs X)
shopshopshop. went to bugis . shopshopshop
i tried a skirt.
1st time i m willing to try a skirt.1st time i lyk myself wearing a skirt.
but it was too big. no more sizes left.
so disappointing. i bought nothing

end of 2 days of winnie's life

omg. my life is gtting more and more boring each day
tot of writing abt a man i saw on mrt.. i could c his armpit hair. thats all.
SEE! i told you. i lead a boring life.

i was not being stared at. nor was i scouted.
please dont feel targeted if you*do read thise. i do hope to be scouted :D

a foto of shXXX mite brighten up ur boring* day X)

12:07 AM
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